struct | cc_timeval |
class | CCAccelAmplitude |
| CCAccelAmplitude action. More...
class | CCAccelDeccelAmplitude |
| CCAccelDeccelAmplitude action. More...
class | CCAcceleration |
| The device accelerometer reports values for each axis in units of g-force. More...
class | CCAccelerometer |
class | CCAccelerometerDelegate |
| The CCAccelerometerDelegate defines a single method for receiving acceleration-related data from the system. More...
class | CCAction |
| Base class for CCAction objects. More...
class | CCActionCamera |
| Base class for CCCamera actions. More...
class | CCActionEase |
| Base class for Easing actions. More...
class | CCActionInstant |
| Instant actions are immediate actions. More...
class | CCActionInterval |
| An interval action is an action that takes place within a certain period of time. More...
class | CCActionManager |
| CCActionManager is a singleton that manages all the actions. More...
class | CCActionTween |
| CCActionTween. More...
class | CCActionTweenDelegate |
struct | CCAffineTransform |
class | CCAnimate |
| Animates a sprite given the name of an Animation. More...
class | CCAnimation |
| A CCAnimation object is used to perform animations on the CCSprite objects. More...
class | CCAnimationCache |
| Singleton that manages the Animations. More...
class | CCAnimationFrame |
| CCAnimationFrame A frame of the animation. More...
struct | ccAnimationFrameData |
class | CCApplication |
class | CCApplicationProtocol |
class | CCArray |
| NA. More...
class | CCAtlasNode |
| CCAtlasNode is a subclass of CCNode that implements the CCRGBAProtocol and CCTextureProtocol protocol. More...
class | CCAutoreleasePool |
class | CCBezierBy |
| An action that moves the target with a cubic Bezier curve by a certain distance. More...
class | CCBezierTo |
| An action that moves the target with a cubic Bezier curve to a destination point. More...
class | CCBlendProtocol |
| Specify the blending function according glBlendFunc Please refer to glBlendFunc in OpenGL ES Manual http://www.khronos.org/opengles/sdk/docs/man/xhtml/glBlendFunc.xml for more details. More...
class | CCBlink |
| Blinks a CCNode object by modifying it's visible attribute. More...
class | CCBMFontConfiguration |
| CCBMFontConfiguration has parsed configuration of the the .fnt file. More...
class | CCBool |
class | CCCallFunc |
| Calls a 'callback'. More...
class | CCCallFuncN |
| Calls a 'callback' with the node as the first argument N means Node NA. More...
class | CCCallFuncND |
| Calls a 'callback' with the node as the first argument and the 2nd argument is data ND means: Node and Data. More...
class | CCCallFuncO |
| Calls a 'callback' with an object as the first argument. More...
class | CCCamera |
| A CCCamera is used in every CCNode. More...
class | CCCardinalSplineBy |
| Cardinal Spline path. More...
class | CCCardinalSplineTo |
| Cardinal Spline path. More...
class | CCCatmullRomBy |
| An action that moves the target with a CatmullRom curve by a certain distance. More...
class | CCCatmullRomTo |
| An action that moves the target with a CatmullRom curve to a destination point. More...
class | CCClippingNode |
| CCClippingNode is a subclass of CCNode. More...
class | CCComponent |
class | CCComponentContainer |
| NA NA. More...
class | CCConfiguration |
| CCConfiguration contains some openGL variables. More...
class | CCCopying |
| NA NA. More...
class | CCDataVisitor |
| Visitor that helps to perform action that depends on polymorphic object type. More...
class | CCDeccelAmplitude |
| CCDeccelAmplitude action. More...
class | CCDelayTime |
| Delays the action a certain amount of seconds. More...
class | CCDevice |
| NA NA. More...
class | CCDictElement |
| CCDictElement is used for traversing CCDictionary. More...
class | CCDictionary |
| CCDictionary is a class like NSDictionary in Obj-C . More...
class | CCDirector |
| Class that creates and handle the main Window and manages how and when to execute the Scenes. More...
class | CCDirectorDelegate |
| OpenGL projection protocol NA NA. More...
class | CCDisplayLinkDirector |
| DisplayLinkDirector is a Director that synchronizes timers with the refresh rate of the display. More...
class | CCDouble |
class | CCDrawNode |
| CCDrawNode Node that draws dots, segments and polygons. More...
class | CCEaseBackIn |
| CCEaseBackIn action. More...
class | CCEaseBackInOut |
| CCEaseBackInOut action. More...
class | CCEaseBackOut |
| CCEaseBackOut action. More...
class | CCEaseBounce |
| CCEaseBounce abstract class. More...
class | CCEaseBounceIn |
| CCEaseBounceIn action. More...
class | CCEaseBounceInOut |
| CCEaseBounceInOut action. More...
class | CCEaseBounceOut |
| EaseBounceOut action. More...
class | CCEaseElastic |
| Ease Elastic abstract class. More...
class | CCEaseElasticIn |
| Ease Elastic In action. More...
class | CCEaseElasticInOut |
| Ease Elastic InOut action. More...
class | CCEaseElasticOut |
| Ease Elastic Out action. More...
class | CCEaseExponentialIn |
| CCEase Exponential In. More...
class | CCEaseExponentialInOut |
| Ease Exponential InOut. More...
class | CCEaseExponentialOut |
| Ease Exponential Out. More...
class | CCEaseIn |
| CCEaseIn action with a rate. More...
class | CCEaseInOut |
| CCEaseInOut action with a rate. More...
class | CCEaseOut |
| CCEaseOut action with a rate. More...
class | CCEaseRateAction |
| Base class for Easing actions with rate parameters. More...
class | CCEaseSineIn |
| Ease Sine In. More...
class | CCEaseSineInOut |
| Ease Sine InOut. More...
class | CCEaseSineOut |
| Ease Sine Out. More...
class | CCEGLView |
class | CCEGLViewProtocol |
class | CCEvent |
class | CCFadeIn |
| Fades In an object that implements the CCRGBAProtocol protocol. More...
class | CCFadeOut |
| Fades Out an object that implements the CCRGBAProtocol protocol. More...
class | CCFadeOutBLTiles |
| CCFadeOutBLTiles action. More...
class | CCFadeOutDownTiles |
| CCFadeOutDownTiles action. More...
class | CCFadeOutTRTiles |
| CCFadeOutTRTiles action Fades out the tiles in a Top-Right direction. More...
class | CCFadeOutUpTiles |
| CCFadeOutUpTiles action. More...
class | CCFadeTo |
| Fades an object that implements the CCRGBAProtocol protocol. More...
class | CCFileUtils |
| Helper class to handle file operations. More...
class | CCFileUtilsWin32 |
| Helper class to handle file operations. More...
class | CCFileUtilsWinRT |
| Helper class to handle file operations. More...
class | CCFiniteTimeAction |
| Base class actions that do have a finite time duration. More...
class | CCFlipX |
| Flips the sprite horizontally. More...
class | CCFlipX3D |
| CCFlipX3D action. More...
class | CCFlipY |
| Flips the sprite vertically. More...
class | CCFlipY3D |
| CCFlipY3D action. More...
class | CCFloat |
class | CCFollow |
| CCFollow is an action that "follows" a node. More...
class | CCFreeTypeFont |
class | CCGLProgram |
| CCGLProgram Class that implements a glProgram. More...
class | CCGrabber |
| FBO class that grabs the the contents of the screen NA NA. More...
class | CCGrid3D |
| CCGrid3D is a 3D grid implementation. More...
class | CCGrid3DAction |
| Base class for CCGrid3D actions. More...
class | CCGridAction |
| Base class for Grid actions. More...
class | CCGridBase |
| Base class for other. More...
class | CCHide |
| Hide the node. More...
class | CCImage |
class | CCIMEDelegate |
| Input method editor delegate. More...
class | CCIMEDispatcher |
| Input Method Edit Message Dispatcher. More...
struct | CCIMEKeyboardNotificationInfo |
class | CCInteger |
class | CCJumpBy |
| Moves a CCNode object simulating a parabolic jump movement by modifying it's position attribute. More...
class | CCJumpTiles3D |
| CCJumpTiles3D action. More...
class | CCJumpTo |
| Moves a CCNode object to a parabolic position simulating a jump movement by modifying it's position attribute. More...
class | CCKeyboardDelegate |
class | CCKeyboardDispatcher |
class | CCKeyboardHandler |
class | CCKeypadDelegate |
class | CCKeypadDispatcher |
| Dispatch the keypad message from the phone NA NA. More...
class | CCKeypadHandler |
| CCKeypadHandler Object than contains the CCKeypadDelegate. More...
class | CCLabelAtlas |
| CCLabelAtlas is a subclass of CCAtlasNode. More...
class | CCLabelBMFont |
| CCLabelBMFont is a subclass of CCSpriteBatchNode. More...
class | CCLabelProtocol |
| Common interface for Labels NA NA. More...
class | CCLabelTTF |
| CCLabelTTF is a subclass of CCTextureNode that knows how to render text labels. More...
class | CCLayerColor |
| CCLayerColor is a subclass of CCLayer that implements the CCRGBAProtocol protocol. More...
class | CCLayerGradient |
| CCLayerGradient is a subclass of CCLayerColor that draws gradients across the background. More...
class | CCLayerMultiplex |
| CCMultipleLayer is a CCLayer with the ability to multiplex it's children. More...
class | CCLayerRGBA |
| CCLayerRGBA is a subclass of CCLayer that implements the CCRGBAProtocol protocol using a solid color as the background. More...
class | CCLens3D |
| CCLens3D action. More...
class | CCLiquid |
| CCLiquid action. More...
class | CCMenu |
| A CCMenu. More...
class | CCMenuItem |
| CCMenuItem base class. More...
class | CCMenuItemAtlasFont |
| A CCMenuItemAtlasFont Helper class that creates a MenuItemLabel class with a LabelAtlas. More...
class | CCMenuItemFont |
| A CCMenuItemFont Helper class that creates a CCMenuItemLabel class with a Label. More...
class | CCMenuItemImage |
| CCMenuItemImage accepts images as items. More...
class | CCMenuItemLabel |
| An abstract class for "label" CCMenuItemLabel items Any CCNode that supports the CCLabelProtocol protocol can be added. More...
class | CCMenuItemSprite |
| CCMenuItemSprite accepts CCNode<CCRGBAProtocol> objects as items. More...
class | CCMenuItemToggle |
| A CCMenuItemToggle A simple container class that "toggles" it's inner items The inner items can be any MenuItem. More...
class | CCMotionStreak |
| MotionStreak. More...
class | CCMouseDelegate |
class | CCMouseDispatcher |
class | CCMouseHandler |
class | CCMoveBy |
| Moves a CCNode object x,y pixels by modifying it's position attribute. More...
class | CCMoveTo |
| Moves a CCNode object to the position x,y. More...
class | CCNode |
| CCNode is the main element. More...
class | CCNodeRGBA |
| CCNodeRGBA is a subclass of CCNode that implements the CCRGBAProtocol protocol. More...
class | CCNotificationCenter |
| NA. More...
class | CCNotificationObserver |
| NA NA. More...
class | CCObject |
| NA. More...
class | CCOrbitCamera |
| CCOrbitCamera action Orbits the camera around the center of the screen using spherical coordinates. More...
class | CCPageTurn3D |
| This action simulates a page turn from the bottom right hand corner of the screen. More...
class | CCParallaxNode |
| CCParallaxNode: A node that simulates a parallax scroller. More...
class | CCParticleBatchNode |
| CCParticleBatchNode is like a batch node: if it contains children, it will draw them in 1 single OpenGL call (often known as "batch draw"). More...
class | CCParticleExplosion |
| An explosion particle system. More...
class | CCParticleFire |
| A fire particle system. More...
class | CCParticleFireworks |
| A fireworks particle system. More...
class | CCParticleFlower |
| A flower particle system. More...
class | CCParticleGalaxy |
| A galaxy particle system. More...
class | CCParticleMeteor |
| A meteor particle system. More...
class | CCParticleRain |
| A rain particle system. More...
class | CCParticleSmoke |
| An smoke particle system. More...
class | CCParticleSnow |
| An snow particle system. More...
class | CCParticleSpiral |
| An spiral particle system. More...
class | CCParticleSun |
| A sun particle system. More...
class | CCParticleSystem |
| Particle System base class. More...
class | CCParticleSystemQuad |
| CCParticleSystemQuad is a subclass of CCParticleSystem. More...
class | CCPlace |
| Places the node in a certain position. More...
class | CCPoint |
| NA. More...
class | CCPointArray |
| An Array that contain control points. More...
class | CCPoolManager |
| NA NA. More...
class | CCPrecompiledShaders |
class | CCPrettyPrinter |
| NA NA. More...
class | CCProfiler |
| CCProfiler cocos2d builtin profiler. More...
class | CCProfilingTimer |
| NA NA. More...
class | CCProgressFromTo |
| Progress from a percentage to another percentage. More...
class | CCProgressTimer |
| CCProgressTimer is a subclass of CCNode. More...
class | CCProgressTo |
| Progress to percentage. More...
struct | CCPVRMipmap |
| Structure which can tell where mipmap begins and how long is it. More...
class | CCRect |
| NA. More...
class | CCRemoveSelf |
| Remove the node NA NA. More...
class | CCRenderTexture |
| CCRenderTexture is a generic rendering target. More...
class | CCRepeat |
| Repeats an action a number of times. More...
class | CCRepeatForever |
| Repeats an action for ever. More...
class | CCReuseGrid |
| CCReuseGrid action. More...
class | CCReverseTime |
| Executes an action in reverse order, from time=duration to time=0. More...
class | CCRGBAProtocol |
| RGBA protocol that affects CCNode's color and opacity NA. More...
class | CCRipple3D |
| CCRipple3D action. More...
class | CCRotateBy |
| Rotates a CCNode object clockwise a number of degrees by modifying it's rotation attribute. More...
class | CCRotateTo |
| Rotates a CCNode object to a certain angle by modifying it's rotation attribute. More...
class | CCSAXDelegator |
| NA NA. More...
class | CCSAXParser |
| NA NA. More...
class | CCScaleBy |
| Scales a CCNode object a zoom factor by modifying it's scale attribute. More...
class | CCScaleTo |
| Scales a CCNode object to a zoom factor by modifying it's scale attribute. More...
class | CCScene |
| CCScene is a subclass of CCNode that is used only as an abstract concept. More...
class | CCSceneTransitionDelegate |
class | CCScheduler |
| Scheduler is responsible for triggering the scheduled callbacks. More...
class | CCSchedulerScriptHandlerEntry |
class | CCScriptEngineManager |
| CCScriptEngineManager is a singleton which holds an object instance of CCScriptEngineProtocl It helps cocos2d-x and the user code to find back LuaEngine object. More...
class | CCScriptEngineProtocol |
| NA NA. More...
class | CCScriptHandlerEntry |
| NA NA. More...
class | CCSequence |
| Runs actions sequentially, one after another. More...
class | CCSet |
class | CCShaderCache |
| CCShaderCache Singleton that stores manages GL shaders. More...
class | CCShaky3D |
| CCShaky3D action. More...
class | CCShakyTiles3D |
| CCShakyTiles3D action. More...
class | CCShatteredTiles3D |
| CCShatteredTiles3D action. More...
class | CCShow |
| Show the node. More...
class | CCShuffleTiles |
| CCShuffleTiles action Shuffle the tiles in random order. More...
class | CCSize |
| NA. More...
class | CCSkewBy |
| Skews a CCNode object by skewX and skewY degrees. More...
class | CCSkewTo |
| Skews a CCNode object to given angles by modifying it's skewX and skewY attributes. More...
class | CCSpawn |
| Spawn a new action immediately. More...
class | CCSpeed |
| Changes the speed of an action, making it take longer (speed>1) or less (speed<1) time. More...
class | CCSplitCols |
| CCSplitCols action. More...
class | CCSplitRows |
| CCSplitRows action. More...
class | CCSprite |
| CCSprite is a 2d image ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sprite_(computer_graphics) ) More...
class | CCSpriteBatchNode |
| CCSpriteBatchNode is like a batch node: if it contains children, it will draw them in 1 single OpenGL call (often known as "batch draw"). More...
class | CCSpriteFrame |
| A CCSpriteFrame has: More...
class | CCSpriteFrameCache |
| Singleton that handles the loading of the sprite frames. More...
class | CCStandardTouchDelegate |
| This type of delegate is the same one used by CocoaTouch. More...
class | CCStandardTouchHandler |
| CCStandardTouchHandler It forwards each event to the delegate. More...
class | CCStopGrid |
| CCStopGrid action. More...
class | CCString |
class | CCTargetedAction |
| Overrides the target of an action so that it always runs on the target specified at action creation rather than the one specified by runAction. More...
class | CCTargetedTouchDelegate |
| Using this type of delegate results in two benefits: More...
class | CCTargetedTouchHandler |
| CCTargetedTouchHandler Object than contains the claimed touches and if it swallows touches. More...
class | CCTextFieldDelegate |
class | CCTextFieldTTF |
| A simple text input field with TTF font. More...
class | CCTexture2D |
| CCTexture2D class. More...
class | CCTextureAtlas |
| A class that implements a Texture Atlas. More...
class | CCTextureCache |
| Singleton that handles the loading of textures Once the texture is loaded, the next time it will return a reference of the previously loaded texture reducing GPU & CPU memory. More...
class | CCTextureETC |
| NA NA. More...
class | CCTextureProtocol |
| CCNode objects that uses a CCTexture2D to render the images. More...
class | CCTexturePVR |
| CCTexturePVR. More...
class | CCThread |
class | CCTiledGrid3D |
| CCTiledGrid3D is a 3D grid implementation. More...
class | CCTiledGrid3DAction |
| Base class for CCTiledGrid3D actions. More...
class | CCTileMapAtlas |
| CCTileMapAtlas is a subclass of CCAtlasNode. More...
class | CCTime |
class | CCTimer |
| Light-weight timer. More...
class | CCTintBy |
| Tints a CCNode that implements the CCNodeRGB protocol from current tint to a custom one. More...
class | CCTintTo |
| Tints a CCNode that implements the CCNodeRGB protocol from current tint to a custom one. More...
class | CCTMXLayer |
| CCTMXLayer represents the TMX layer. More...
class | CCTMXLayerInfo |
| CCTMXLayerInfo contains the information about the layers like: More...
class | CCTMXMapInfo |
| CCTMXMapInfo contains the information about the map like: More...
class | CCTMXObjectGroup |
| CCTMXObjectGroup represents the TMX object group. More...
class | CCTMXTiledMap |
| CCTMXTiledMap knows how to parse and render a TMX map. More...
class | CCTMXTilesetInfo |
| CCTMXTilesetInfo contains the information about the tilesets like: More...
class | CCToggleVisibility |
| Toggles the visibility of a node. More...
class | CCTouch |
class | CCTouchDelegate |
class | CCTouchDispatcher |
| CCTouchDispatcher. More...
class | CCTouchHandler |
| CCTouchHandler Object than contains the delegate and priority of the event handler. More...
struct | ccTouchHandlerHelperData |
class | CCTouchScriptHandlerEntry |
| NA NA. More...
class | CCTransitionCrossFade |
| CCTransitionCrossFade: Cross fades two scenes using the CCRenderTexture object. More...
class | CCTransitionEaseScene |
| CCTransitionEaseScene can ease the actions of the scene protocol. More...
class | CCTransitionFade |
| CCTransitionFade: Fade out the outgoing scene and then fade in the incoming scene. More...
class | CCTransitionFadeBL |
| CCTransitionFadeBL: Fade the tiles of the outgoing scene from the top-right corner to the bottom-left corner. More...
class | CCTransitionFadeDown |
| CCTransitionFadeDown: Fade the tiles of the outgoing scene from the top to the bottom. More...
class | CCTransitionFadeTR |
| CCTransitionFadeTR: Fade the tiles of the outgoing scene from the left-bottom corner the to top-right corner. More...
class | CCTransitionFadeUp |
| CCTransitionFadeUp: Fade the tiles of the outgoing scene from the bottom to the top. More...
class | CCTransitionFlipAngular |
| CCTransitionFlipAngular: Flips the screen half horizontally and half vertically. More...
class | CCTransitionFlipX |
| CCTransitionFlipX: Flips the screen horizontally. More...
class | CCTransitionFlipY |
| CCTransitionFlipY: Flips the screen vertically. More...
class | CCTransitionJumpZoom |
| CCTransitionJumpZoom: Zoom out and jump the outgoing scene, and then jump and zoom in the incoming. More...
class | CCTransitionMoveInB |
| CCTransitionMoveInB: Move in from to the bottom the incoming scene. More...
class | CCTransitionMoveInL |
| CCTransitionMoveInL: Move in from to the left the incoming scene. More...
class | CCTransitionMoveInR |
| CCTransitionMoveInR: Move in from to the right the incoming scene. More...
class | CCTransitionMoveInT |
| CCTransitionMoveInT: Move in from to the top the incoming scene. More...
class | CCTransitionPageTurn |
| A transition which peels back the bottom right hand corner of a scene to transition to the scene beneath it simulating a page turn. More...
class | CCTransitionProgress |
class | CCTransitionProgressHorizontal |
| CCTransitionProgressHorizontal transition. More...
class | CCTransitionProgressInOut |
class | CCTransitionProgressOutIn |
class | CCTransitionProgressRadialCCW |
| CCTransitionRadialCCW transition. More...
class | CCTransitionProgressRadialCW |
| CCTransitionRadialCW transition. More...
class | CCTransitionProgressVertical |
class | CCTransitionRotoZoom |
| CCTransitionRotoZoom: Rotate and zoom out the outgoing scene, and then rotate and zoom in the incoming. More...
class | CCTransitionScene |
| Base class for CCTransition scenes. More...
class | CCTransitionSceneOriented |
| A CCTransition that supports orientation like. More...
class | CCTransitionShrinkGrow |
| Shrink the outgoing scene while grow the incoming scene. More...
class | CCTransitionSlideInB |
| CCTransitionSlideInB: Slide in the incoming scene from the bottom border. More...
class | CCTransitionSlideInL |
| CCTransitionSlideInL: Slide in the incoming scene from the left border. More...
class | CCTransitionSlideInR |
| CCTransitionSlideInR: Slide in the incoming scene from the right border. More...
class | CCTransitionSlideInT |
| CCTransitionSlideInT: Slide in the incoming scene from the top border. More...
class | CCTransitionSplitCols |
| CCTransitionSplitCols: The odd columns goes upwards while the even columns goes downwards. More...
class | CCTransitionSplitRows |
| CCTransitionSplitRows: The odd rows goes to the left while the even rows goes to the right. More...
class | CCTransitionTurnOffTiles |
| CCTransitionTurnOffTiles: Turn off the tiles of the outgoing scene in random order. More...
class | CCTransitionZoomFlipAngular |
| CCTransitionZoomFlipAngular: Flips the screen half horizontally and half vertically doing a little zooming out/in. More...
class | CCTransitionZoomFlipX |
| CCTransitionZoomFlipX: Flips the screen horizontally doing a zoom out/in The front face is the outgoing scene and the back face is the incoming scene. More...
class | CCTransitionZoomFlipY |
| CCTransitionZoomFlipY: Flips the screen vertically doing a little zooming out/in The front face is the outgoing scene and the back face is the incoming scene. More...
class | CCTurnOffTiles |
| CCTurnOffTiles action. More...
class | CCTwirl |
| CCTwirl action. More...
class | CCUserDefault |
| CCUserDefault acts as a tiny database. More...
class | CCWaves |
| CCWaves action. More...
class | CCWaves3D |
| CCWaves3D action. More...
class | CCWavesTiles3D |
| CCWavesTiles3D action. More...
class | CCZone |
| NA NA. More...
class | EGLTouchDelegate |
| NA. More...
struct | my_error_mgr |
class | sealed |
struct | tImageSource |
struct | timezone |
class | TypeInfo |
enum | { kCCActionTagInvalid = -1
} |
enum | { kCCNodeTagInvalid = -1
} |
enum | {
, kCCNodeOnExit
, kCCNodeOnEnterTransitionDidFinish
, kCCNodeOnExitTransitionDidStart
} |
enum | ccConfigurationType {
, ConfigurationString
, ConfigurationInt
, ConfigurationDouble
} |
enum | ccDirectorProjection { kCCDirectorProjection2D
, kCCDirectorProjection3D
, kCCDirectorProjectionCustom
, kCCDirectorProjectionDefault = kCCDirectorProjection3D
} |
| Possible OpenGL projections used by director. More...
enum | CCObjectType { kCCObjectTypePlayLayer = 5
, kCCObjectTypeLevelEditorLayer = 6
, kCCObjectTypeMenuLayer = 15
} |
enum | CCVerticalTextAlignment { kCCVerticalTextAlignmentTop
, kCCVerticalTextAlignmentCenter
, kCCVerticalTextAlignmentBottom
} |
| Vertical text alignment type. More...
enum | CCTextAlignment { kCCTextAlignmentLeft
, kCCTextAlignmentCenter
, kCCTextAlignmentRight
} |
| Horizontal text alignment type. More...
enum | ccKeypadMSGType { kTypeBackClicked = 1
, kTypeMenuClicked
} |
enum | { kCCLabelAutomaticWidth = -1
} |
enum | ccTouchesMode { kCCTouchesAllAtOnce
, kCCTouchesOneByOne
} |
enum | tOrientation { kCCTransitionOrientationLeftOver = 0
, kCCTransitionOrientationRightOver = 1
, kCCTransitionOrientationUpOver = 0
, kCCTransitionOrientationDownOver = 1
} |
| Orientation Type used by some transitions. More...
enum | tCCMenuState { kCCMenuStateWaiting
, kCCMenuStateTrackingTouch
} |
enum | { kCCMenuHandlerPriority = -128
} |
enum | CCProgressTimerType { kCCProgressTimerTypeRadial
, kCCProgressTimerTypeBar
} |
| Types of progress. More...
enum | tCCImageFormat { kCCImageFormatJPEG = 0
, kCCImageFormatPNG = 1
} |
enum | {
kCCParticleDurationInfinity = -1
, kCCParticleStartSizeEqualToEndSize = -1
, kCCParticleStartRadiusEqualToEndRadius = -1
, kParticleStartSizeEqualToEndSize = kCCParticleStartSizeEqualToEndSize
kParticleDurationInfinity = kCCParticleDurationInfinity
} |
enum | { kCCParticleModeGravity
, kCCParticleModeRadius
} |
enum | tCCPositionType { kCCPositionTypeFree
, kCCPositionTypeRelative
, kCCPositionTypeGrouped
} |
| possible types of particle positions More...
enum | { kPositionTypeFree = kCCPositionTypeFree
, kPositionTypeGrouped = kCCPositionTypeGrouped
} |
enum | TargetPlatform {
, kTargetLinux
, kTargetMacOS
, kTargetAndroid
, kTargetIpad
, kTargetBlackBerry
, kTargetNaCl
, kTargetTizen
, kTargetWinRT
, kTargetWP8
} |
enum | ccLanguageType {
kLanguageEnglish = 0
, kLanguageChinese
, kLanguageFrench
, kLanguageItalian
, kLanguageSpanish
, kLanguageDutch
, kLanguageRussian
, kLanguageJapanese
, kLanguageHungarian
, kLanguagePortuguese
} |
| Enum the language type supported now. More...
enum | enumKeyCodes {
KEY_None = 0x00
, KEY_Backspace = 0x08
, KEY_Tab = 0x09
, KEY_Clear = 0x0C
KEY_Enter = 0x0D
, KEY_Shift = 0x10
, KEY_Control = 0x11
, KEY_Alt = 0x12
KEY_Pause = 0x13
, KEY_CapsLock = 0x14
, KEY_Escape = 0x1B
, KEY_Space = 0x20
KEY_PageUp = 0x21
, KEY_PageDown = 0x22
, KEY_End = 0x23
, KEY_Home = 0x24
KEY_Left = 0x25
, KEY_Up = 0x26
, KEY_Right = 0x27
, KEY_Down = 0x28
KEY_Select = 0x29
, KEY_Print = 0x2A
, KEY_Execute = 0x2B
, KEY_PrintScreen = 0x2C
KEY_Insert = 0x2D
, KEY_Delete = 0x2E
, KEY_Help = 0x2F
, KEY_Zero = 0x30
KEY_One = 0x31
, KEY_Two = 0x32
, KEY_Three = 0x33
, KEY_Four = 0x34
KEY_Five = 0x35
, KEY_Six = 0x36
, KEY_Seven = 0x37
, KEY_Eight = 0x38
KEY_Nine = 0x39
, KEY_A = 0x41
, KEY_B = 0x42
, KEY_C = 0x43
KEY_D = 0x44
, KEY_E = 0x45
, KEY_F = 0x46
, KEY_G = 0x47
KEY_H = 0x48
, KEY_I = 0x49
, KEY_J = 0x4A
, KEY_K = 0x4B
KEY_L = 0x4C
, KEY_M = 0x4D
, KEY_N = 0x4E
, KEY_O = 0x4F
KEY_P = 0x50
, KEY_Q = 0x51
, KEY_R = 0x52
, KEY_S = 0x53
KEY_T = 0x54
, KEY_U = 0x55
, KEY_V = 0x56
, KEY_W = 0x57
KEY_X = 0x58
, KEY_Y = 0x59
, KEY_Z = 0x5A
, KEY_LeftWindowsKey = 0x5B
KEY_RightWindowsKey = 0x5C
, KEY_ApplicationsKey = 0x5D
, KEY_Sleep = 0x5F
, KEY_NumPad0 = 0x60
KEY_NumPad1 = 0x61
, KEY_NumPad2 = 0x62
, KEY_NumPad3 = 0x63
, KEY_NumPad4 = 0x64
KEY_NumPad5 = 0x65
, KEY_NumPad6 = 0x66
, KEY_NumPad7 = 0x67
, KEY_NumPad8 = 0x68
KEY_NumPad9 = 0x69
, KEY_Multiply = 0x6A
, KEY_Add = 0x6B
, KEY_Seperator = 0x6C
KEY_Subtract = 0x6D
, KEY_Decimal = 0x6E
, KEY_Divide = 0x6F
, KEY_F1 = 0x70
KEY_F2 = 0x71
, KEY_F3 = 0x72
, KEY_F4 = 0x73
, KEY_F5 = 0x74
KEY_F6 = 0x75
, KEY_F7 = 0x76
, KEY_F8 = 0x77
, KEY_F9 = 0x78
KEY_F10 = 0x79
, KEY_F11 = 0x7A
, KEY_F12 = 0x7B
, KEY_F13 = 0x7C
KEY_F14 = 0x7D
, KEY_F15 = 0x7E
, KEY_F16 = 0x7F
, KEY_F17 = 0x80
KEY_F18 = 0x81
, KEY_F19 = 0x82
, KEY_F20 = 0x83
, KEY_F21 = 0x84
KEY_F22 = 0x85
, KEY_F23 = 0x86
, KEY_F24 = 0x87
, KEY_Numlock = 0x90
KEY_ScrollLock = 0x91
, KEY_LeftShift = 0xA0
, KEY_RightShift = 0xA1
, KEY_LeftControl = 0xA2
KEY_RightContol = 0xA3
, KEY_LeftMenu = 0xA4
, KEY_RightMenu = 0xA5
, KEY_BrowserBack = 0xA6
KEY_BrowserForward = 0xA7
, KEY_BrowserRefresh = 0xA8
, KEY_BrowserStop = 0xA9
, KEY_BrowserSearch = 0xAA
KEY_BrowserFavorites = 0xAB
, KEY_BrowserHome = 0xAC
, KEY_VolumeMute = 0xAD
, KEY_VolumeDown = 0xAE
KEY_VolumeUp = 0xAF
, KEY_NextTrack = 0xB0
, KEY_PreviousTrack = 0xB1
, KEY_StopMedia = 0xB2
KEY_PlayPause = 0xB3
, KEY_LaunchMail = 0xB4
, KEY_SelectMedia = 0xB5
, KEY_LaunchApp1 = 0xB6
KEY_LaunchApp2 = 0xB7
, KEY_OEM1 = 0xBA
, KEY_OEMPlus = 0xB8
, KEY_OEMComma = 0xBC
KEY_OEMMinus = 0xBD
, KEY_OEMPeriod = 0xBE
, KEY_OEM2 = 0xBF
, KEY_OEM3 = 0xC0
, KEY_OEM5 = 0xDC
, KEY_OEM6 = 0xDD
, KEY_OEM7 = 0xDE
, KEY_OEM102 = 0xE2
, KEY_Process = 0xE5
, KEY_Packet = 0xE7
KEY_Attn = 0xF6
, KEY_CrSel = 0xF7
, KEY_ExSel = 0xF8
, KEY_EraseEOF = 0xF9
KEY_Play = 0xFA
, KEY_Zoom = 0xFB
, KEY_PA1 = 0xFD
, KEY_OEMClear = 0xFE
KEY_ArrowUp = 0x11B
, KEY_ArrowDown = 0x11C
, KEY_ArrowLeft = 0x11D
, KEY_ArrowRight = 0x11E
, CONTROLLER_Down = 0x3F4
, CONTROLLER_Right = 0x3F6
} |
enum | ccScriptType { kScriptTypeNone = 0
, kScriptTypeLua
, kScriptTypeJavascript
} |
enum | { kCCVertexAttrib_Position
, kCCVertexAttrib_Color
, kCCVertexAttrib_TexCoords
, kCCVertexAttrib_MAX
} |
enum | {
, kCCUniformMVMatrix
, kCCUniformMVPMatrix
, kCCUniformTime
, kCCUniformCosTime
, kCCUniformRandom01
, kCCUniformSampler
} |
enum | {
kCCVertexAttribFlag_None = 0
, kCCVertexAttribFlag_Position = 1 << 0
, kCCVertexAttribFlag_Color = 1 << 1
, kCCVertexAttribFlag_TexCoords = 1 << 2
kCCVertexAttribFlag_PosColorTex = ( kCCVertexAttribFlag_Position | kCCVertexAttribFlag_Color | kCCVertexAttribFlag_TexCoords )
} |
| vertex attrib flags More...
enum | ccGLServerState { CC_GL_ALL = 0
} |
| GL server side states. More...
enum | CCTexture2DPixelFormat {
, kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_RGB888
, kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_RGB565
, kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_A8
, kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_AI88
, kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_RGBA4444
, kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_RGB5A1
, kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_PVRTC2
, kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_Default = kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_RGBA8888
, kTexture2DPixelFormat_RGBA8888 = kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_RGBA8888
kTexture2DPixelFormat_RGB888 = kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_RGB888
, kTexture2DPixelFormat_RGB565 = kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_RGB565
, kTexture2DPixelFormat_A8 = kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_A8
, kTexture2DPixelFormat_RGBA4444 = kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_RGBA4444
kTexture2DPixelFormat_RGB5A1 = kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_RGB5A1
, kTexture2DPixelFormat_Default = kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_Default
} |
| Possible texture pixel formats. More...
enum | { CC_PVRMIPMAP_MAX = 16
} |
| Determine how many mipmaps can we have. More...
enum | { CCTMXOrientationOrtho
, CCTMXOrientationHex
, CCTMXOrientationIso
} |
| Possible orientations of the TMX map. More...
enum | { TMXLayerAttribNone = 1 << 0
, TMXLayerAttribBase64 = 1 << 1
, TMXLayerAttribGzip = 1 << 2
, TMXLayerAttribZlib = 1 << 3
} |
enum | {
, TMXPropertyMap
, TMXPropertyLayer
, TMXPropertyObjectGroup
, TMXPropertyTile
} |
enum | ccTMXTileFlags {
kCCTMXTileHorizontalFlag = 0x80000000
, kCCTMXTileVerticalFlag = 0x40000000
, kCCTMXTileDiagonalFlag = 0x20000000
, kCCFlipedAll = (kCCTMXTileHorizontalFlag|kCCTMXTileVerticalFlag|kCCTMXTileDiagonalFlag)
kCCFlippedMask = ~(kCCFlipedAll)
} |
enum | ccTouchSelectorFlag {
ccTouchSelectorBeganBit = 1 << 0
, ccTouchSelectorMovedBit = 1 << 1
, ccTouchSelectorEndedBit = 1 << 2
, ccTouchSelectorCancelledBit = 1 << 3
ccTouchSelectorAllBits = ( ccTouchSelectorBeganBit | ccTouchSelectorMovedBit | ccTouchSelectorEndedBit | ccTouchSelectorCancelledBit)
} |
enum | {
} |
enum | TextureQuality { kTextureQualityLow = 1
, kTextureQualityMedium
, kTextureQualityHigh
} |
enum | PopTransition { kPopTransitionFade
, kPopTransitionMoveInT
} |
CC_DLL CCPoint | ccCardinalSplineAt (CCPoint &p0, CCPoint &p1, CCPoint &p2, CCPoint &p3, float tension, float t) |
| Returns the Cardinal Spline position for a given set of control points, tension and time. More...
CC_DLL CCAffineTransform | __CCAffineTransformMake (float a, float b, float c, float d, float tx, float ty) |
CC_DLL CCPoint | __CCPointApplyAffineTransform (const CCPoint &point, const CCAffineTransform &t) |
CC_DLL CCSize | __CCSizeApplyAffineTransform (const CCSize &size, const CCAffineTransform &t) |
CC_DLL CCAffineTransform | CCAffineTransformMakeIdentity () |
CC_DLL CCRect | CCRectApplyAffineTransform (const CCRect &rect, const CCAffineTransform &anAffineTransform) |
CC_DLL CCAffineTransform | CCAffineTransformTranslate (const CCAffineTransform &t, float tx, float ty) |
CC_DLL CCAffineTransform | CCAffineTransformRotate (const CCAffineTransform &aTransform, float anAngle) |
CC_DLL CCAffineTransform | CCAffineTransformScale (const CCAffineTransform &t, float sx, float sy) |
CC_DLL CCAffineTransform | CCAffineTransformConcat (const CCAffineTransform &t1, const CCAffineTransform &t2) |
CC_DLL bool | CCAffineTransformEqualToTransform (const CCAffineTransform &t1, const CCAffineTransform &t2) |
CC_DLL CCAffineTransform | CCAffineTransformInvert (const CCAffineTransform &t) |
CCRect CC_DLL | CCRectFromString (const char *pszContent) |
| Returns a Core Graphics rectangle structure corresponding to the data in a given string. More...
CCPoint CC_DLL | CCPointFromString (const char *pszContent) |
| Returns a Core Graphics point structure corresponding to the data in a given string. More...
CCSize CC_DLL | CCSizeFromString (const char *pszContent) |
| Returns a Core Graphics size structure corresponding to the data in a given string. More...
void CC_DLL | ccDrawInit () |
| Initializes the drawing primitives. More...
void CC_DLL | ccDrawFree () |
| Frees allocated resources by the drawing primitives. More...
void CC_DLL | ccDrawPoint (const CCPoint &point) |
| draws a point given x and y coordinate measured in points More...
void CC_DLL | ccDrawPoints (const CCPoint *points, unsigned int numberOfPoints) |
| draws an array of points. More...
void CC_DLL | ccDrawLine (const CCPoint &origin, const CCPoint &destination) |
| draws a line given the origin and destination point measured in points More...
void CC_DLL | ccDrawRect (CCPoint origin, CCPoint destination) |
| draws a rectangle given the origin and destination point measured in points. More...
void CC_DLL | ccDrawSolidRect (CCPoint origin, CCPoint destination, ccColor4F color) |
| draws a solid rectangle given the origin and destination point measured in points. More...
void CC_DLL | ccDrawPoly (const CCPoint *vertices, unsigned int numOfVertices, bool closePolygon) |
| draws a polygon given a pointer to CCPoint coordinates and the number of vertices measured in points. More...
void CC_DLL | ccDrawSolidPoly (const CCPoint *poli, unsigned int numberOfPoints, ccColor4F color) |
| draws a solid polygon given a pointer to CGPoint coordinates, the number of vertices measured in points, and a color. More...
void CC_DLL | ccDrawCircle (const CCPoint ¢er, float radius, float angle, unsigned int segments, bool drawLineToCenter, float scaleX, float scaleY) |
| draws a circle given the center, radius and number of segments. More...
void CC_DLL | ccDrawCircle (const CCPoint ¢er, float radius, float angle, unsigned int segments, bool drawLineToCenter) |
void CC_DLL | ccDrawQuadBezier (const CCPoint &origin, const CCPoint &control, const CCPoint &destination, unsigned int segments) |
| draws a quad bezier path More...
void CC_DLL | ccDrawCubicBezier (const CCPoint &origin, const CCPoint &control1, const CCPoint &control2, const CCPoint &destination, unsigned int segments) |
| draws a cubic bezier path More...
void CC_DLL | ccDrawCatmullRom (CCPointArray *arrayOfControlPoints, unsigned int segments) |
| draws a Catmull Rom path. More...
void CC_DLL | ccDrawCardinalSpline (CCPointArray *config, float tension, unsigned int segments) |
| draws a Cardinal Spline path. More...
void CC_DLL | ccDrawColor4B (GLubyte r, GLubyte g, GLubyte b, GLubyte a) |
| set the drawing color with 4 unsigned bytes More...
void CC_DLL | ccDrawColor4F (GLfloat r, GLfloat g, GLfloat b, GLfloat a) |
| set the drawing color with 4 floats More...
void CC_DLL | ccPointSize (GLfloat pointSize) |
| set the point size in points. More...
CC_DLL const char * | cocos2dVersion () |
CC_DLL CCBMFontConfiguration * | FNTConfigLoadFile (const char *file) |
| Free function that parses a FNT file a place it on the cache. More...
CC_DLL void | FNTConfigRemoveCache (void) |
| Purges the FNT config cache. More...
void CC_DLL | CCLog (const char *pszFormat,...) |
| Output Debug message. More...
void CC_DLL | CCLuaLog (const char *pszFormat) |
| lua can not deal with ... More...
void CC_DLL | CCMessageBox (const char *pszMsg, const char *pszTitle) |
| Pop out a message box. More...
| METHODDEF (void) my_error_exit(j_common_ptr cinfo) |
int CC_DLL | gettimeofday (struct timeval *, struct timezone *) |
void | pthread_mutex_init (pthread_mutex_t *m, void *attributes) |
int | pthread_mutex_lock (pthread_mutex_t *m) |
int | pthread_mutex_unlock (pthread_mutex_t *m) |
void | pthread_mutex_destroy (pthread_mutex_t *m) |
std::wstring CC_DLL | CCUtf8ToUnicode (const char *pszUtf8Str, unsigned len=-1) |
std::string CC_DLL | CCUnicodeToUtf8 (const wchar_t *pwszStr) |
std::string | PlatformStringToString (Platform::String^ s) |
float | ConvertDipsToPixels (float dips) |
float | getScaledDPIValue (float v) |
Concurrency::task< Platform::Array< byte >^> | ReadDataAsync (Platform::String^ path) |
void CC_DLL | ccGLInvalidateStateCache (void) |
| Invalidates the GL state cache. More...
void CC_DLL | ccGLUseProgram (GLuint program) |
| Uses the GL program in case program is different than the current one. More...
void CC_DLL | ccGLDeleteProgram (GLuint program) |
| Deletes the GL program. More...
void CC_DLL | ccGLBlendFunc (GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor) |
| Uses a blending function in case it not already used. More...
void CC_DLL | ccGLBlendResetToCache (void) |
| Resets the blending mode back to the cached state in case you used glBlendFuncSeparate() or glBlendEquation(). More...
void CC_DLL | ccSetProjectionMatrixDirty (void) |
| sets the projection matrix as dirty More...
void CC_DLL | ccGLEnableVertexAttribs (unsigned int flags) |
| Will enable the vertex attribs that are passed as flags. More...
void CC_DLL | ccGLBindTexture2D (GLuint textureId) |
| If the texture is not already bound to texture unit 0, it binds it. More...
void CC_DLL | ccGLBindTexture2DN (GLuint textureUnit, GLuint textureId) |
| If the texture is not already bound to a given unit, it binds it. More...
void CC_DLL | ccGLDeleteTexture (GLuint textureId) |
| It will delete a given texture. More...
void CC_DLL | ccGLDeleteTextureN (GLuint textureUnit, GLuint textureId) |
| It will delete a given texture. More...
void CC_DLL | ccGLBindVAO (GLuint vaoId) |
| If the vertex array is not already bound, it binds it. More...
void CC_DLL | ccGLEnable (ccGLServerState flags) |
| It will enable / disable the server side GL states. More...
int | base64Decode (unsigned char *in, unsigned int inLength, unsigned char **out) |
| Decodes a 64base encoded memory. More...
float CC_DLL | ccpLength (const CCPoint &v) |
| Calculates distance between point an origin. More...
float CC_DLL | ccpDistance (const CCPoint &v1, const CCPoint &v2) |
| Calculates the distance between two points. More...
CCPoint CC_DLL | ccpNormalize (const CCPoint &v) |
| Returns point multiplied to a length of 1. More...
CCPoint CC_DLL | ccpForAngle (const float a) |
| Converts radians to a normalized vector. More...
float CC_DLL | ccpToAngle (const CCPoint &v) |
| Converts a vector to radians. More...
float CC_DLL | clampf (float value, float min_inclusive, float max_inclusive) |
| Clamp a value between from and to. More...
CCPoint CC_DLL | ccpClamp (const CCPoint &p, const CCPoint &from, const CCPoint &to) |
| Clamp a point between from and to. More...
CCPoint CC_DLL | ccpFromSize (const CCSize &s) |
| Quickly convert CCSize to a CCPoint. More...
CCPoint CC_DLL | ccpCompOp (const CCPoint &p, float(*opFunc)(float)) |
| Run a math operation function on each point component absf, fllorf, ceilf, roundf any function that has the signature: float func(float); For example: let's try to take the floor of x,y ccpCompOp(p,floorf);. More...
CCPoint CC_DLL | ccpLerp (const CCPoint &a, const CCPoint &b, float alpha) |
| Linear Interpolation between two points a and b. More...
bool CC_DLL | ccpFuzzyEqual (const CCPoint &a, const CCPoint &b, float variance) |
CCPoint CC_DLL | ccpCompMult (const CCPoint &a, const CCPoint &b) |
| Multiplies a and b components, a.x*b.x, a.y*b.y. More...
float CC_DLL | ccpAngleSigned (const CCPoint &a, const CCPoint &b) |
float CC_DLL | ccpAngle (const CCPoint &a, const CCPoint &b) |
CCPoint CC_DLL | ccpRotateByAngle (const CCPoint &v, const CCPoint &pivot, float angle) |
| Rotates a point counter clockwise by the angle around a pivot. More...
bool CC_DLL | ccpLineIntersect (const CCPoint &p1, const CCPoint &p2, const CCPoint &p3, const CCPoint &p4, float *s, float *t) |
| A general line-line intersection test. More...
bool CC_DLL | ccpSegmentIntersect (const CCPoint &A, const CCPoint &B, const CCPoint &C, const CCPoint &D) |
CCPoint CC_DLL | ccpIntersectPoint (const CCPoint &A, const CCPoint &B, const CCPoint &C, const CCPoint &D) |
CC_DLL void | CCProfilingBeginTimingBlock (const char *timerName) |
CC_DLL void | CCProfilingEndTimingBlock (const char *timerName) |
CC_DLL void | CCProfilingResetTimingBlock (const char *timerName) |
CC_DLL int | cc_wcslen (const unsigned short *str) |
CC_DLL void | cc_utf8_trim_ws (std::vector< unsigned short > *str) |
CC_DLL bool | isspace_unicode (unsigned short ch) |
CC_DLL long | cc_utf8_strlen (const char *p, int max) |
CC_DLL unsigned int | cc_utf8_find_last_not_char (std::vector< unsigned short > str, unsigned short c) |
CC_DLL std::vector< unsigned short > | cc_utf16_vec_from_utf16_str (const unsigned short *str) |
CC_DLL unsigned short * | cc_utf8_to_utf16 (const char *str_old, int length=-1, int *rUtf16Size=NULL) |
CC_DLL char * | cc_utf16_to_utf8 (const unsigned short *str, long len, long *items_read, long *items_written) |
| cc_utf16_to_utf8: @str: a UTF-16 encoded string @len: the maximum length of @str to use. More...
unsigned long | ccNextPOT (unsigned long value) |
| returns the Next Power of Two value. More...
void CC_DLL | ccVertexLineToPolygon (CCPoint *points, float stroke, ccVertex2F *vertices, unsigned int offset, unsigned int nuPoints) |
| converts a line to a polygon More...
bool CC_DLL | ccVertexLineIntersect (float Ax, float Ay, float Bx, float By, float Cx, float Cy, float Dx, float Dy, float *T) |
| returns whether or not the line intersects More...
void | CGAffineToGL (const CCAffineTransform *t, GLfloat *m) |
void | GLToCGAffine (const GLfloat *m, CCAffineTransform *t) |