| CCCamera (void) |
| ctor More...
| ~CCCamera (void) |
| NA NA. More...
void | init (void) |
const char * | description (void) |
| NA. More...
void | setDirty (bool bValue) |
| sets the dirty value More...
bool | isDirty (void) |
| get the dirty value More...
void | restore (void) |
| sets the camera in the default position More...
void | locate (void) |
| Sets the camera using gluLookAt using its eye, center and up_vector. More...
void | setEyeXYZ (float fEyeX, float fEyeY, float fEyeZ) |
| sets the eye values in points setEye More...
void | setCenterXYZ (float fCenterX, float fCenterY, float fCenterZ) |
| sets the center values in points setCenter More...
void | setUpXYZ (float fUpX, float fUpY, float fUpZ) |
| sets the up values setUp More...
void | getEyeXYZ (float *pEyeX, float *pEyeY, float *pEyeZ) |
| get the eye vector values in points NA More...
void | getCenterXYZ (float *pCenterX, float *pCenterY, float *pCenterZ) |
| get the center vector values int points NA More...
void | getUpXYZ (float *pUpX, float *pUpY, float *pUpZ) |
| get the up vector values NA More...
| CCObject (void) |
virtual | ~CCObject (void) |
| NA. More...
void | release (void) |
void | retain (void) |
CCObject * | autorelease (void) |
CCObject * | copy (void) |
bool | isSingleReference (void) const |
unsigned int | retainCount (void) const |
virtual bool | isEqual (const CCObject *pObject) |
virtual void | acceptVisitor (CCDataVisitor &visitor) |
virtual void | update (float dt) |
| CCObject (const CCObject &) |
CCObject & | operator= (const CCObject &) |
virtual void | encodeWithCoder (DS_Dictionary *) |
virtual bool | canEncode () |
CCObjectType | getObjType () const |
virtual int | getTag () const |
virtual void | setTag (int nTag) |
void | setObjType (CCObjectType) |
virtual CCObject * | copyWithZone (CCZone *pZone) |
A CCCamera is used in every CCNode.
Useful to look at the object from different views. The OpenGL gluLookAt() function is used to locate the camera.
If the object is transformed by any of the scale, rotation or position attributes, then they will override the camera.
IMPORTANT: Either your use the camera or the rotation/scale/position properties. You can't use both. World coordinates won't work if you use the camera.
- Some nodes, like CCParallaxNode, CCParticle uses world node coordinates, and they won't work properly if you move them (or any of their ancestors) using the camera.
- It doesn't work on batched nodes like CCSprite objects when they are parented to a CCSpriteBatchNode object.
- It is recommended to use it ONLY if you are going to create 3D effects. For 2D effects, use the action CCFollow or position/scale/rotate.